La Fondation Haïtienne de la Santé Mentale (FHSM) est née de la nécessité de créer une organisation pour la promotion de la Santé Mentale en Haïti. Elle regroupe des non professionnels (usagers , malades, familles, amis et toutes personnes concernées) et des professionnels de la santé publique et mentale.
Ce regroupement a fait les constats suivants :
• Les conditions de vie sont peu favorables à une bonne santé mentale et à la prise en charge dans la dignité des personnes affectées.
• Les droits des malades mentaux et de leurs familles sont ignorés à cause d’un manque de structures institutionnelles adéquates pour les défendre.
• La fondation a une visée nationale et va s'étendre à toutes les régions du pays.
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
The Haiti Mission Project (HMP) is designed to create awareness of the needs of the people in Haiti. For over 10 years the Haiti Mission Project has worked closely with the Haiti Lutheran Mission Society and multiple orphanages, hospitals, education programs, and trade schools in Haiti. The Haiti Mission Project connects people in America who want to serve God and others with people in Haiti with mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
The Haiti Mission Project accomplishes these goals by designing short-term mission trips – currently scheduled or specifically designed for your group – and raising funds and awareness for specific ministries in Haiti.
Headwaters Relief Organization is disaster relief collaboration of volunteers that supports the emotional and housing rehabilitation needs of families and communities after disasters. Our organization’s mission and purpose is to bring together volunteer workers, skilled trades people, and mental health professionals to assist in a community’s short-and long-term rebuilding efforts. Our mental health volunteers have expertise in trauma and disaster response and include psychologists, marriage and family therapists, licensed social workers, case managers, psychiatric nurses and licensed counselors. Our mental health support “on the ground” includes first responses as part of medical teams, providing support to first responders, counseling and training care givers, educating students and volunteers and supporting and educating adult and child survivors.
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427