Category: Nonprofit

9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Nonprofit Should Watch

TED talks are filled with knowledge that challenges and expands one’s perspectives. Applying what you’ve learned from TED talks to your everyday life might also facilitate your discovery that you might not always know what you’re talking about. These presentations teach you to listen first so that you can think about the information you were…
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15 Best Twitter Accounts to Learn About Nonprofit

When a group is organized for goals other than making money, it is said to be a nonprofit organization. NGOs provide a means for individuals to work together for the common good, transforming shared values and hopes into action. People of different ages, races, socioeconomic statuses, and genders can find food, healing, shelter, education, and…
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10 Things We All Hate About Nonprofit

We all love nonprofits, but here are ten lists of things we all hate about nonprofits. The Norm of Self-Interest: The culture of self-interest is one of the greatest things that makes people distrust nonprofit organizations and their employees. The mainstream discourse on economics, evolution, and social policy is permeated by the notion that people…
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The Burden of Data on Civil Society

You’ve probably pondered how corporations manage to target you with a product you’re interested in precisely. They employ data, which is information that has been gathered. Advertisers utilize data to target their adverts better, make sales, and shape our buying habits. It is the new oil. Using it can help us better comprehend the world…
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Building Capacity for Transformation

Capacity building is a concept that is frequently questioned. Building a nonprofit’s capacity is an investment in its efficacy and long-term viability. Similarly, capacity building is the enhancement of a person’s or an organization’s ability to “create, perform, or deploy.” The ability of a charitable nonprofit to carry out its objective is increased by initiatives…
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Reflections on the philanthropy supporting ecosystem & how to lift-up philanthropy

In this article, we’re excited to share some of our thoughts and hopes for the future of philanthropy in Haiti. Haiti is near and dear to us, so we would like to spend some time today reflecting on the support that comes from philanthropy. We hope this piece will give you a sense of what…
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Transparency Engagement and Building Back Better

With recovery efforts for Covid-19 well underway, the problems that affected society before the pandemic have not gone away. Climate change and wealth inequality remain pressing concerns that have only worsened with the global health and supply chain crisis. Building back better Building back better means rebuilding infrastructure using grassroots, local organizations and a sustainable…
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RESILIENCE in the Context of Haitian Reality

The reflex of all those who hear for the first time about a word or a concept whose meaning they do not understand is to look up the meaning in the dictionary. Sometimes, at the risk of disappointment, they only find a definition referring to a field of activity that does not correspond to what…
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Haiti’s 2022 Hurricane Season

The 2022 hurricane season began on June 1 and will end on November 30, the Directorate General of Civil Protection (DGPC) announced in a letter dated June 1, 2022. During this time, hydro-meteorological occurrences and the risk of flooding intensify. The 2022 season in the North Atlantic is expected to be violent. According to estimates…
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The World Bank has approved $20 million to improve the delivery of primary health care services in Haiti.

Originally published by the World Bank-June 16, 2022 The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today an additional financing of US$20 million for the Strengthening of Primary Health Care and Surveillance in Haiti Project (PROSYS), which aims to increase utilization of primary health care services in selected geographical areas, and strengthen disease surveillance capacity,…
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