Month: March 2020

The MIT Solve Challenge is Seeking Tech Innovations that can Slow and Track the Spread of a Future Emerging Outbreak

The MIT Solve Challenge is seeking tech innovations that can slow and track the spread of a future emerging outbreak, for example by improving individual hygiene, developing low-cost rapid diagnostics, analyzing data that informs decision making, and providing tools that protect health workers. Solve is also seeking solutions that focus on preventive and mitigation measures that strengthen…
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EBSCO Solar Now Open for 2020 Submissions

EBSCO Solar is back for 2020. This year, we are providing three $100,000 grants available for libraries looking to fund a library solar project to offset electricity costs. Applications will be accepted until May 1, 2020, with the winners announced online and at ALA-Annual on June 26th. Contact for questions through February 28th. Why EBSCO Solar? Solar power is the cleanest…
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