We see in the media many examples of the immense problems facing Haiti. One of the problems is access to education. Only 50% of the children go past sixth grade. Education for Haiti (E.F.H.) is addressing this need by working with families in the town of Aquin to provide tuition through high school and beyond.
This is a program which has been operating since 2001, when Richard Ireland returned from the Peace Corps. Over that time he and a handful of friends have donated money to six families to assist their children’s access to school. These families represent thirty-three children. In November of 2012 we discovered that the investment has had wonderful success. Five have graduated from high school and three of those are pursuing professions in Nursing, Law and Engineering. The other two would like to start nursing school. Seventeen are still attending school. Most of them want to go into a profession. There are two others who have established viable businesses.
E.F.H. a 501 3c non profit is working to continue the legacy of this work by providing support for those in school and those who wish to continue. Using this model we plan to expand this to other families. Once we commit to a family or child, our commitment is to stay with that support until they have finished their education.
To put this in perspective: Less than 50% of children in Haiti graduate from the 6th grade. Less than 20% go to high school and only about 9% graduate from high school.
Economic development is essential for Haiti to address its needs. Teaching is one profession where educated Haitians can find work. Through supporting students we not only support their potential, but in a very real way contribute to the economy of Aquin.