Tag: Non-governmental development organization

9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Nonprofit Should Watch

TED talks are filled with knowledge that challenges and expands one’s perspectives. Applying what you’ve learned from TED talks to your everyday life might also facilitate your discovery that you might not always know what you’re talking about. These presentations teach you to listen first so that you can think about the information you were…
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10 Things We All Hate About Nonprofit

We all love nonprofits, but here are ten lists of things we all hate about nonprofits. The Norm of Self-Interest: The culture of self-interest is one of the greatest things that makes people distrust nonprofit organizations and their employees. The mainstream discourse on economics, evolution, and social policy is permeated by the notion that people…
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The Burden of Data on Civil Society

You’ve probably pondered how corporations manage to target you with a product you’re interested in precisely. They employ data, which is information that has been gathered. Advertisers utilize data to target their adverts better, make sales, and shape our buying habits. It is the new oil. Using it can help us better comprehend the world…
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Reflections on the philanthropy supporting ecosystem & how to lift-up philanthropy

In this article, we’re excited to share some of our thoughts and hopes for the future of philanthropy in Haiti. Haiti is near and dear to us, so we would like to spend some time today reflecting on the support that comes from philanthropy. We hope this piece will give you a sense of what…
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Local Action for Global Good-Why & How to Embrace CBOs/CSOs

Our world has been through a lot in just the last few years, and it can sometimes seem like it’s not going to get any easier any time soon. From the covid-19 pandemic to the shutdowns and lock-ins and every other difficulty and hardship that has come since then, humanity has been through the wringer. …
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Haiti might see 19 storms, including four hurricanes, this hurricane season. How can you help?

Cyclones, hurricanes and tropical storms, heavy rain, and flooding are only a few of the natural calamities that have ravaged Haiti throughout its history, as well as political turmoil. From the middle of June through the end of November, Haiti experiences its annual hurricane season. Authorities have warned that 19 tropical storms, including four hurricanes,…
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Where Will Nonprofit Be 1 Year From Now

Associations are part, with cooperatives and mutuals, of the societal forms of the social economy, which have in common to participate in economic life without seeking profit. They have neither personality nor existence without respecting certain legal forms. Definition Etymologically, the word association comes from the Latin association, which means “action to bring together.” Find…
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2022 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar for Nonprofits in The Context of Haiti

Online fundraising and social media awareness campaigns can be launched around cause awareness and donating days. January 01: Independence Day —   #haitianindependenceday  01: New Years. — #newyears 02: Ancestry Day—  #ancestryday 03: International Mind Body Wellness Day— #mindbodywellnessday 04: World Braille Day—  #worldbrailleday #braille 08: War on Poverty Day — #waronpovertyday 11: Human trafficking awareness day— #humantraffickingawareness 17: Martin Luther…
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Is There Hope for Haiti

Haiti is engulfed in a multifaceted crisis that pushes the extraordinary and the imaginable boundaries. Reduced, stunted in a movement of devaluation and simplification revealing an inability to grasp the beautiful and the turbulence, the manifestations, like a kind of territory dedicated to irreversible chaos. What is happening in Haiti right now is a humanitarian…
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Women’s Role in Nonprofit

For many years, the patriarchal model has dominated the organization of our societies in both developed and developing countries. Women’s discrimination problems, which are linked to this model, can thus be found in various parts of the world. Despite the fact that these women’s issues are global in scope, it is clear that their full…
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