Tag: INGOs

Code of Ethics

French Version-CODE DE DÉONTOLOGIE Permission to reprint from AFP

Stewardship Assessment


  Kreyol translation 

Évaluation de l’état de Préparation du Conseil

Kreyol Transalation 

Developing a Successful Grant Proposal

Whether you are going to write a grant proposal for a government agency or a private funder, such as a foundation or corporation, the components of the proposal are quite similar. The amount of detail required may be considerably different, but the basic elements are generally the same. Most grantmakers have instructions on how you…
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State of Development in Haiti

Since proclaiming its independence in 1804, Haiti has suffered from various challenges including isolation from world markets, oppressive dictatorships, prejudicial international trade policies, and devastating natural disasters. Economic growth and socioeconomic development have been consistently stymied by political instability and corruption since the US occupation in the early 1900s. This unpopular foreign occupation was only…
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