Tag: Fundraising Calendar

Utilize This Nonprofit Calendar for 2023 to Plan Your Content Strategy Regarding Haiti

Time is always of the essence while working for a small or medium-sized nonprofit. And if you’re in charge of content generation for your charity organization’s website, you know how time-consuming that can be. This is why preparation is essential: With a solid content strategy in place, you can get more done in less time…
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2022 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar for Nonprofits in The Context of Haiti

Online fundraising and social media awareness campaigns can be launched around cause awareness and donating days. January 01: Independence Day —   #haitianindependenceday  01: New Years. — #newyears 02: Ancestry Day—  #ancestryday 03: International Mind Body Wellness Day— #mindbodywellnessday 04: World Braille Day—  #worldbrailleday #braille 08: War on Poverty Day — #waronpovertyday 11: Human trafficking awareness day— #humantraffickingawareness 17: Martin Luther…
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