Tag: community-based organization

The Importance of Storytelling in Nonprofit Communications

Storytelling is a form of communication-based on using stories to communicate information or opinions. Telling a story when discussing personal experiences is second nature to most people. This article will demonstrate how to use stories effectively in your nonprofit’s messaging. Narrative in the communications of nonprofit organizations In the ever-competitive world of nonprofits, communicating effectively…
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Fundraising Ideas for Haitian-Led Nonprofits

Fundraising plays a crucial role in supporting Haitian-led nonprofit organizations that work towards improving the lives of Haitians. These organizations often face significant challenges in securing sufficient funds to sustain their operations and accomplish their goals. Basic needs such as food, water, housing, education, and healthcare are often inaccessible to the communities they serve, and…
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12 Companies Leading the Way in Nonprofit

Nonprofits are more vital than ever in generating positive change as the globe continues to face a slew of social, environmental, and economic crises. While many charitable organizations need more resources to meet their objectives, a few exceptional enterprises are making a significant difference. In this post, we will highlight 12 charity organizations leading the…
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Funding Opportunities-April 2023

Download your list of funding opportunities available for April 2023. Click here.

February 2023 Funding Opportunities

Download your list of funding opportunities available for February 2023. Click here.

2023 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar for Nonprofits in The Context of Haiti

Online fundraising and social media awareness campaigns can be launched around cause awareness and donating days. January 01: Independence Day —   #haitianindependenceday  01: New Years. — #newyears 02: Ancestry Day—  #ancestryday 03: International Mind Body Wellness Day— #mindbodywellnessday 04: World Braille Day—  #worldbrailleday #braille 08: War on Poverty Day — #waronpovertyday 11: Human trafficking awareness day— #humantraffickingawareness 16: Martin Luther…
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14 Savvy Ways To Spend Leftover Nonprofit Budget

If your nonprofit has any leftover budget at the end of the year, don’t let it go to waste! There are plenty of savvy ways to spend that money so that it has a positive impact on your organization. Here are 14 ideas to get you started: 1) Obtain Legit Marketing Data: The most valuable…
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41 U.S. Democrats request that USAID expand food supplies to Haiti. How does this affect Haiti?

In recent news, we’ve learned that a group of 41 U.S. House Democrats have called and urged the Biden administration to increase the number of food supplies and aid sent to Haiti. This recent urging of Biden’s administration comes in the face of the fact that almost fifty percent of Haiti’s population consistently suffers from…
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9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Nonprofit Should Watch

TED talks are filled with knowledge that challenges and expands one’s perspectives. Applying what you’ve learned from TED talks to your everyday life might also facilitate your discovery that you might not always know what you’re talking about. These presentations teach you to listen first so that you can think about the information you were…
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15 Best Twitter Accounts to Learn About Nonprofit

When a group is organized for goals other than making money, it is said to be a nonprofit organization. NGOs provide a means for individuals to work together for the common good, transforming shared values and hopes into action. People of different ages, races, socioeconomic statuses, and genders can find food, healing, shelter, education, and…
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