Tag: Are NGO Accountable in Haiti

Don’t Just Donate!

We’ve said it–don’t just donate, we’ve been preaching this for a while now and will continue to preach it. Sending barrels of clothes, school supplies, food, and more, is a form of dumping; by doing this, you are disrupting the local market and also running small businesses out of business, instead, partner up with local…
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No Offense, But We Need A Plan B For Haiti: Failures Within The Social/Nonprofit Sector Need To Be Acknowledge

Being recognized as the Republic of NGOs, we, as nonprofits, fail to create sustainable projects to benefit the country. The norm of registration within the international community, including the Haitian diaspora, is to register their organization with their government as a 501(c)(3) organization or as an association or foundation in Europe. They are failing to…
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Effectiveness As Defined By Whom

What is effectiveness? As Herman and Renz have pointed out (2004, 1997), the concept of organizational effectiveness arises from a theoretical perspective which posits that formal organizations are created to achieve one or more consciously identified goals. Measures of effectiveness, therefore, seek to ascertain how well these goals have been achieved. There are several problems…
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So you have set out to establish a nonprofit organization in Haiti, whether a grassroot or an international organization. Everything was set. You obtained grants and donations from all corners of the world as well from family and friends; however, you failed. Where do you go from here? Is your organization accountable? Do you stop…
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