Handicap International vient en aide aux populations vulnérables, notamment les personnes handicapées, partout dans le monde où cela est nécessaire. L’association répond à leurs besoins essentiels et spécifiques, améliore leurs conditions de vie et les aide à s’insérer dans la société.
69008 Lyon - France
In 1972, Sharon Johnson went to Haiti to direct a choir that was traveling around the country. As she looked into the faces in the crowds, she fell in love with the people of Haiti.
She returned each year to help the people of Haiti with her husband, Bob Johnson. Over time, they began to feel the need to have an on-going work in country, one that would help every day of the year and not just once or twice a year. In 1983 they formed what is today Mission of Hope Haiti. In 1989 they acquired a piece of barren land just north of Port-au-Prince.
In 1997, Brad Johnson, Bob & Sharon’s son, and his wife Vanessa went to Haiti on a week-long trip to serve the people there. While serving, they watched an 18 month old baby die as her father held her on their way to a clinic. They learned the baby had starved to death from the parents not having any food. This moment was etched in their mind forever and they could not escape the image of the grieving parents as they mourned the loss of their daughter. A year later, Brad and Vanessa moved full time to Haiti to begin work on the Mission of Hope Haiti property.
Officially founded in 1998, Mission of Hope has since grown from a small mission located on barren piece of land, to a fruitful organization that now houses an onsite orphanage, medical facility, school, and church. Through partnerships, the Mission also serves outside of its property by helping other orphanages, churches, and schools throughout the country.
1907 Cypress Creek RD.
STE 106
Cedar Park, TX 78613
The Raising Haiti Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable entity has been created in order to dramatically increase awareness of this extraordinary and unique Haitian-born enterprise and to allow US donors to receive full charitable deductions for contributing to an array of promising grassroots programs.
A powerful new documentary, ‘Father Joseph’ is available for sale or streaming on Netflix, The documentary is the centerpiece of an array of tools for use by a growing community of Advocates inspired to make a difference by bringing the message of this salutary and healing enterprise to others through screening and “action-oriented” conversations in homes, on college campuses and community venues throughout the land.
Post Office Box 21624
Washington DC 20009