Directory Tag: potable water

Haiti Outreach
Business Name
Long Business Description

Haiti Outreach is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization in the U.S. and a certified NGO with the Haitian government with the vision that Haiti become a developed country. Our mission is to collaborate with the people of Haiti to build community initiated and maintained projects that advance their development. Our Haitian staff works in rural communities to create clean water infrastructure, mostly wells and some basic water systems, that the community leaders are trained to maintain over many years. Part of this program includes a subscription fee to the water service so there are saved funds for future maintenance and repairs. We also conduct sanitation education and the promotion of latrines for each household. We are committed to long term sustainable development and are not a relief org.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
50 Ninth Avenue South
Suite 203
Hopkins, MN 55343