Nous travaillons en clinique mobile dans les provinces.
l'association a été crée au retour d'une mission a Port Au Prince ,dans le but de venir en aide aux structures de soins gravement endommagées par le séisme du 12 janvier 2010.
les nombreuses offres de dons de matériel médico-chirurgical se heurtent a un problème logistique évident :
comment collecter , tester , remettre en état ces matériels avant leur expédition ?
une association de techniciens biomédicaux bénévoles mettant leurs compétences et leurs carnet d'adresses au service des ONG disposant de peu de moyen est une des solutions.
L’association se développe grâce a la bonne volonté des Techniciens Bretons , tant du secteur public que privé.
GrassRoots United represents a collaboration of ideas, resources, information, and efforts drawn from many smaller institutions and unified towards common goals.
We build critical relationships between local communities and relief organizations, creating strong foundations through which relief workers can pool specialized resources and deliver them to where they are most needed, most experienced, and therefore most effective.
Haiti Baradères Recovery Inc. (HABDER) is a not for profit organization established in New York. On July 26, 1998, a small group of Baraderes natives came together to address the needs and well being of their hometown. It is from this meeting HABDER was born. In June 2002 HABDER was registered as a 501 (c) (3). It is the connection between HABDER’s members and the region of Baradères that allow this organization to envision and realize their mission for the people and Baraderes as a whole.
Prestation de soins de santé et support aux institutions sanitaires (structures fixes et/ou mobiles, interventions médicales, promotion de la santé, approvisionnement en intrants médicaux, logistique) / Health care delivery and support of institutions (fixed and/or mobile structures, medical interventions, health promotion, medical supplies, logistics)