Le Centre d’Action pour le Développement (CAD), accorde une attention soutenue aux enfants en difficultés et particulièrement ceux qui sont dans les rues et en domesticité.
Sa mission: Venir en aide en tout temps et en tous lieux aux enfants en situation difficile.
Lifting Up Haiti is a non-profit 501c3 organization located in Bellingham, WA. Our real heart lies in Haiti and with the Haitian people. We were formed in September 2010 and are comprised of a small board of committed caring, passionate people who have all had transforming experiences in Haiti.
We have a small children's home in St Marc, Haiti, 50 miles north of Port au Prince. The home is run by our Haitian Director, Jean Buteau and his wife Gertrude. Their two children also live in the home and the center is unique in that it is small and family centered and provides a wonderful and nurturing place for the children to learn and grow.
Sionfonds is a nonprofit that supports rural Haitian Children and their families. Our goal is to strengthen Haitian families by providing healthcare, job training, feeding programs, adult education, goat giving programs and among other programs.
All our projects are geared toward self-determination and self-reliance for Haitian families.
We work to provide skills and education to keep families together, so families don't have to give up their children because they cannot feed or educate them.
CANYON , CA 94516