AAIP a pour but d'aider les acteurs de la protection civile et des structures médicales d'autres pays dans l'exécution des missions qui leur sont attribuées (incendies, secours aux victimes, protection des personnes et des biens, prévention et préparation aux désastres), notamment par l'envoi de membres de l'association pour des opérations d’urgence suite à un séisme ou toute autre catastrophe naturelle.
Valence, Rhone-Alpes, France 26905
The purpose for our corporation is to perform charitable activities within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) and the Chapter 496, F.S. Specifically, the corporation is organized to provide disaster relief and development assistance in the form of engineering and other technical consultings and assistance. Furthermore, helping by providing equipment and materials to carry out assistance, and other organizational and consulting services designed to assist local organizations and governments in preparing for and responding to all kinds of disasters caused by terrorism, environmental contamination oil spills, earthquakes, tsunamis and water droughts.
Coral Springs, FL 33076-2250
Emergency Architects:
Building Walls for Rebuilding Lives!
The need for a roof and deliver as quickly as possible in operation care centers, schools and public buildings are of absolute importance after a disaster.
Since 2001, through its action programs around the world the Emergency Architects Foundation (UAF) has demonstrated that assistance to people in distress can not be limited only to providing food and care: rebuilding lives broken, but also allow the poor to find decent living conditions as soon as possible.
Its purpose is to provide advice and assistance to populations affected by natural disasters, technological or human, and more generally, in this context, to provide assistance to anyone in a state of physical or mental distress in France and abroad. It also participates in discussions conducted after any disaster, and can, by his interest in cultural heritage, intervene under heritage protection missions.
Representations of Emergency Architects in Canada (Montreal) and Switzerland (Geneva) were created to extend the action network.
BP 10421
80004 Amiens Cedex 1
he association Architects Without Borders is a nonprofit Law 1901 association, founded in 1979.
Faced with inequalities and mechanisms of segregation and exclusion in the use and occupation of built spaces, ASF aims to defend the principle of a social utility of architecture: To propose adapted forms of professional practices, open to the diversity of cultures and societies that integrate the word of the excluded or destitute and which respond to a more equitable sharing of this space.
Our mission arose from a result of a tent city being bulldozed and 500 families being displaced once again. Bonswa Haiti has purchased land in Croix de Bouquets and is designing a village so that Haitians will be able to own their home. The community will include a newly built church, a well (for fresh water), a bakery (for revenue) and gardens (for food). This new village will be managed by a resident's council and overseen by Bonswa.
Build Change saves lives in earthquakes and typhoons. Our mission is to greatly reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses caused by housing and school collapses due to earthquakes and typhoons in emerging nations.
Denver, CO 80202 USA
CAMAHA est une ONG française créée en 2009 qui à pour objectifs majeurs d’œuvrer pour l’habitat social en bois anticyclonique et parasismique après une catastrophe naturelle.Actuellement acteur sur 2 zones, l’une Haïti, où l’association fabrique des abris d’urgence en bois (déjà près de 3000) et autres constructions publiques (Hôpital, orphelinat, école..) mais aussi forme des personnes aux métiers du bois afin que les habitants reconstruisent eux-mêmes leurs logis (Plusieurs ONG partenaires tel que : ACTED, MSF...). Second territoire : Cuba où est née l’initiative après le passage des cyclones Gustav et Ike. L’association participe à la restauration du patrimoine historique des maisons en bois, et a comme objectif d’œuvrer pour l’habitat des personnes âgées qui a été détruit et créer des ateliers de formations aux métiers du bois l’ensemble étant un moteur social : Ecologique, Economique, Durable, Rapide d’exécution, Facile à mettre en place.
61400 St Hilaire le chatel
“Partnering with village communities to identify, strengthen, & establish self-sustainable, life-giving resources; thus strengthening local families, businesses, and education in the present, bringing hope and opportunity for generations to come”.
Chesterfield, MO 63017 USA
Our Mission
1. Provide direct health care to the underprivileged and isolated through the Mobile Health Clinic.
2. Supply basic drinking water to those in desperate need who live in the hills of Dufresnay, Haiti.
3. Partner with Ginette's orphanage to provide essential housing and basic support to disadvantaged girls.
Hull, Massachusetts
From Here to Haiti (FHTH) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity based in New York. FHTH was formed in the aftermath of the earthquake of 2010 to respond to the need for repair of non-governmental places of public assembly such as schools, churches, orphanages, clinics, and the like. FHTH creates local employment opportunities and promotes self-sufficiency for the people of Haiti through that repair work. FHTH focuses its efforts in the provinces where the need is greatest.