Directory Tag: Health

Alliance Nationale des Directeurs de Programme Sida des Etats et Territoires/National Alliance of State and Territorial Aids Directors (NASTAD)
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NASTAD Haiti has been working with Haiti's Ministry of Health (MoH) since 2003. Much of NASTAD Haiti’s work has focused on evaluating, planning, expanding, and supporting comprehensive HIV case-based surveillance, including the development of a national case-based HIV surveillance system, enhanced perinatal surveillance to support care for mothers living with HIV and their exposed infants, and integrated case surveillance for HIV and TB. Case reports are submitted via a web-based platform, built via existing IT infrastructure, which receives case reports in a low-barrier way from most known publicly funded HIV testing, treatment, and care sites in Haiti. At the close of 2014, over 230,000 case reports had been received from four electronic inputs, representing approximately 90% of annual HIV diagnoses. NASTAD Haiti works with the Ministry of Health and other in country partners to create reports and data presentations at both the national and regional levels.

To further support comprehensive HIV surveillance, NASTAD Haiti, and the MoH co-facilitate a National HIV Surveillance Working Group to guide the planning and timing of surveillance activities, as well as the use of generated surveillance data.

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Delmas 60 Rue Mercier Laham # 26, Port-au-Prince, Haiti WI
Association Arche d’Haïti (AAH)
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En 1975, Monsieur Cantave, alors ambassadeur d'Haïti au Canada, invite Jean Vanier, fils de l'Honorable Georges Vanier, gouverneur général du Canada de 1959 à 1967, à venir fonder une communauté de L'Arche en Haïti.

Dès l'origine, les Haïtiens prennent en main la fondation de L'Arche sur l'île.

Le 8 juillet, quelques mois après une première visite de Jean Vanier en Haïti, le premier foyer ''Kay Sen Josèf'' ouvre ses portes en accueillant Jean-Robert Bélizaire qui devient ainsi l'un des fondateurs de L'Arche Haïti.

Jacqueline et Jean-Robert

De 1975 à 1978, Jean Vanier vient 3 fois par année en Haïti. Comme il était arrivé en France lors de la fondation de la toute première communauté de L'Arche en 1964, de nombreux jeunes attirés par le leadership de Jean Vanier fréquentent L'Arche Carrefour. Parmi ces jeunes, il y a Jaqueline Sanon, actuelle directrice de la communauté.

En 1978, L'Arche est invitée dans le village de Chantal à 180km au sud-ouest de Port-au-Prince. L'Arche Chantal institue alors un programme de visites à domicile pour apporter aide et soutien aux familles ayant un enfant touché par un handicap mental. La communauté de Chantal voit le jour en 1980.

Avec le même objectif, L'Arche Carrefour fonde ensuite l'école Kè Konten dans le but de créer un service permettant la prise en charge du développement d'enfants souffrant d'un handicap mental.

L'Arche Haïti est membre de la Fédération internationale de L'Arche qui compte aujourd'hui plus de 139 communautés dans 35 pays.

Le 12 janvier 2010, au moment du tremblement de terre, L'Arche Carrefour était très insérée dans son milieu. La peur du handicap mental s'était largement estompée pour laisser place au respect et à l'amitié. De nombreuses personnes du voisinage ont trouvé à L'Arche un abri sécuritaire durant les longs mois qui ont suivi cette terrible catastrophe.

Après avoir vu ses bâtiments détruits, la communauté de Carrefour inaugurait ses nouveaux locaux, le 13 mars 2011, grâce à la générosité et la solidarité de nombreux donateurs et donatrices.

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Business Address
35, Rue Rigaud, Petion-Ville, Haïti
Association pour la Promotion de la Sante Integrale de la Famille (APROSIFA)
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APROSIFA est un organisme de proximité qui oeuvre dans le domaine de la santé et de l'organisation communautaire dans les quartiers de Carrefour-Feuilles et Martissant.

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Business Address
47, route des Dalles (Port-au-Prince, Haïti)
ATD Quart Monde
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ATD Fourth World has been working in one of the most underprivileged areas of Port-au-Prince for over 25 years. Our team consists of 11 Volunteer Corps members, eight of whom are Haitian.

Our work in Haiti seeks to give those living in extreme poverty the ability to access medical care, to educate their children, to meet, and to speak out. Our projects aim to give the families we work with the ability to overcome daily emergencies, and to develop long term projects.

Our projects with small children include Bébés Bienvenus (“Babies Welcome”), gatherings for children under three years of age and their parents, seeking to encourage the nutrition, health, and education of small children. Graines d’Espoir (“Seeds of Hope”), welcomes children from four to six years old to help prepare them for beginning primary school.

Our health projects include a collaboration with a Haitian NGO, Service Œcuménique d’Entraide (SOE), to guarantee access to healthcare for the most vulnerable families through a micro-insurance system.

Our education and training projects include a Street Library run in partnership with LAKOU Don Bosco, focused on boys who live on the streets. A computer workshop works with unemployed young people aged 18 to 30 who don’t have training. Knowledge sharing projects during school vacations bring together young people and artists. A reading group meets with university students to discuss questions relating to extreme poverty.

The Comite de rassemblement Quart Monde meets once a month to discuss questions relating to our team’s work and lives. Larger gatherings take place related to events like the 2010 earthquake or the research on the MDGs.

Bikes 4 Haiti
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To provide bicycles, training , safety education, and cycle hardware support to at-need populations within Haiti to meet their essential needs for survival: e.g. access to food, water, health care, education, employment/commercial development.

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l'association a été crée au retour d'une mission a Port Au Prince ,dans le but de venir en aide aux structures de soins gravement endommagées par le séisme du 12 janvier 2010.
les nombreuses offres de dons de matériel médico-chirurgical se heurtent a un problème logistique évident :
comment collecter , tester , remettre en état ces matériels avant leur expédition ?
une association de techniciens biomédicaux bénévoles mettant leurs compétences et leurs carnet d'adresses au service des ONG disposant de peu de moyen est une des solutions.
L’association se développe grâce a la bonne volonté des Techniciens Bretons , tant du secteur public que privé.

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Bread for Haiti
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To provide education, healthcare, nutrition, and shelter to the children and young adults of Haiti, left homeless by the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010.




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Business Address
Bread For Haiti
P.O. Box 1624
Lima, OH 45802
Cabaret Haiti Mission Inc.
Long Business Description

We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has been serving the same communities in Haiti for nearly twenty years. Originally known simply as the Cabaret Baptist Children’s Home, we began as a ministry of the Jacksonville Baptist Association in 1998.

Through locally-led programs and strategic partnerships with other organizations, we are able to provide health care, education for children and adults, employment, orphan care, and share the hope of a life in Christ.

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CARE (Cooperation for American Relief Everywhere)
Long Business Description

CARE was founded in 1945 when 22 American organizations came together to rush lifesaving CARE Packages to survivors of World War II. Thousands of Americans, including President Harry S. Truman, contributed to the effort. On May 11, 1946, the first 15,000 packages reached the battered port of Le Havre, France.

These early packages were U.S. Army surplus "10-in-1" food parcels intended to provide one meal for 10 soldiers during the planned invasion of Japan. We obtained them at the end of the war and began a service that let Americans send the packages to friends and families in Europe, where millions were in danger of starvation. Ten dollars bought a CARE Package and guaranteed that its addressee would receive it within four months.

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