Directory Tag: Education

Anseye Pou Ayiti (Teach for Haiti)
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Anseye Pou Ayiti envisions an education system in Haiti that affords all the country’s citizens their human right to a high-quality education by promoting teacher excellence and student success. We have a bold vision focused on reimagining the role of high-quality Haitian teacher leaders for the ultimate benefit of all students.

Anseye Pou Ayiti will raise education outcomes in disadvantaged areas of Haiti by recruiting and training outstanding teachers for existing schools. Transformational teaching and leadership will equip all children with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to achieve their full potential with equal opportunity, pursue lives of mutual prosperity, and contribute to a more enlightened 21st century world.

Business Website Address
Business Address
97 Rue Christophe, Gonaïves | #6, Impasse Eckman, Delmas 49, Port-au-Prince

748 Bridge Street, Unit 2, Lowell, MA 01850
Antrepriz Vole Kayiman NFP
Long Business Description

CYVADIER, HAITI — Mora Frico, 27, and Jimmy Louigene, 28, grew up together, having first met as elementary school classmates in a local mission school. Their friendship deepened throughout secondary school and while each studied to earn a woodworking certificate from Ecole Atelier de Jacmel.

Now, after years of barely getting by, due to Haiti’s pervasive lack of employment opportunities, the two have a chance — and a viable plan — for a productive future, by creating a carpentry enterprise.

“The business would…transform our lives because it will make us independent and provide us with a stable job and eventually even provide other people in our community with work,” the two write in their business plan for the venture, developed with the help of Jean Christophe Lang, a successful local business owner.

Business Website Address
Business Address
P.O. Box 5246
Peoria, IL 61601 USA
Armée du Salut (AS)
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En pleine révolution industrielle, à la fin du XIXè siècle, le pasteur William Booth est choqué par les conditions de vie indignes du monde ouvrier notamment dans l'Est de Londres. Il va créer en 1865 ce qui allait devenir en 1878 l'Armée du Salut pour répondre aux besoins matériels et spirituels des plus démunis. Aux femmes et aux hommes vivant dans des conditions de vie et de détresse révoltantes, William Booth propose d’assouvir leurs aspirations spirituelles et besoins matériels.

Le pasteur, en quête d’efficacité, s’inspire du modèle militaire pour structurer une « armée » afin de répondre aux besoins élémentaires et de redonner des conditions de vie décentes aux plus démunis, conditions nécessaires pour qu’ils puissent trouver Dieu. Une triple mission résumée dans sa devise "Soup, Soap, Salvation" !

Seize ans plus tard, une femme franchit la Manche pour porter la mission de l'Armée du Salut en France. Nous sommes en 1881 et elle se nomme Catherine Booth. Dans le sillage de son père, elle veut "veut sauver les âmes et secourir les êtres". Avec l'aide des jeunes officières qui l'accompagnent elle va réussir sa mission et faire ainsi de la France le premier pays d'Europe où l'Armée du Salut s'implante.

Entre 1914 et 1918, l’Armée du Salut crée des "Foyers du soldat" pour venir en aide aux aux soldats, aux veuves et aux orphelins de la Première Guerre mondiale, ses actions lui permettront d’être reconnue et appréciée en France. Dans les deux décennies qui suivent la Grande Guerre, l'oeuvre de l'Armée du Salut se développe notamment sous l'impulsion du couple Albin et Blanche Peyron.

Des années 1920 aux années 1930, plusieurs grands établissements de l'Armée du Salut sont construits comme le Palais de la Femme, la Cité de Refuge, Le Palais du Peuple, la Résidence Catherine Booth.

En 1931, l'Association des Oeuvres Françaises de Bienfaisance de l'Armée du Salut (AOFBAS), reconnue d'utilité publique, est créée ce qui permet à l'Armée du Salut de recevoir des dons et legs et de les affecter aux projets en cours. La même année, les premières Soupes de nuit sont distribuées dans les rues de Paris.

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'Armée du Salut et l'AOFBAS sont dissoutes par les autorités de Vichy. Mais le travail se poursuit jusqu'à la Libération, sous couvert de la Fédération protestante de France et de la Communauté des Diaconesses de Reuilly.

A l'issue du second conflit mondial, l'Armée du Salut relance son activité notamment en faveur de la jeunesse. Elle développe des actions pédagogiques, met en place des maisons d'enfants et des centres d'apprentissage. Des partenariats avec les pouvoirs publics et les acteurs du champ social voient le jour. Membre fondateur de la Banque Alimentaire, en 1984, l'Armée du Salut participe aux dispositifs de lutte contre les exclusions, organise et gère des structures d'accueil d'urgence et crée des logements sociaux.

En 1994, pour distinguer la gestion de l'action sociale et celle de l'oeuvre d'évangélisation, l'Armée du Salut adopte de nouveaux statuts. La Congrégation de l'Armée du Salut, qui regroupe l'ensemble des officiers poursuit la mission spirituelle et évangélique. Tandis que l'AOFBAS gère les établissements à caractère social.



Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01 45 42 15 68
Business Address
9 Villa Cœur de Vey
Paris 75014

60, rue des Frères Flavien
75976 Paris cedex 20
Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa (APF)
Long Business Description

APF (The Association of the Peasants of Fondwa) is national NGO of Haiti focused on grassroots development and empowerment in rural communities. APF aims to provide tools and resources that allow peasants to pull themselves out of poverty.

Over the past 25 years, APF has worked in the village of Fondwa and surrounding communities to develop clean drinking water, a road connecting hard to reach villages, a primary and secondary school, health clinic, radio station, credit union, and guest house.

In 2004, the University of Fondwa (UNIF) was established. As the only university in all of rural Haiti, UNIF provides higher education to students coming from extremely remote areas. UNIF students return to their home communities throughout their course of study to share their knowledge of agronomy, business management, and veterinary medicine.

On January 12, 2010, most of the infrastructure built by APF was destroyed, and Fondwa suffered many losses. However, the APF community is hopeful for the future. Since 2010, the APF has remobilized, and is using the resources and partnerships available to us to rebuild and restore all that had been lost.

We have constructed a temporary university for the students, and have converted shipping containers into dormitories. We are now process of rebuilding our primary school, Saint Antoine. Please explore the different photo albums in the gallery to view our progress.

All of our programs are based in Fondwa, however our headquarters are based in Port-au-Prince.

Fondwa is a small community village in the western province of Haiti between Léogane and Jacmel. It is the 10th Communal Section of Léogane and about 30 minutes apart from Jacmel and Léogane. Fondwa is 80 kilometers from Port-au-Prince, a 2 hour-drive. The region has a total area of 28 square kilometers and a population of 8,000 people. Fondwa is a mountainous region and more than 80% of the population is peasants. More than 50% of the population is less than 20 years old. There are 6 other rural communities which benefit from the work of APF, about 50,000 individuals all together.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
509 37 44 53 83; 518 334 2666
Business Address
P.O.Box 13062
Delmas, Haiti Ht 6120
ATD Quart Monde
Business Name
Long Business Description

ATD Fourth World has been working in one of the most underprivileged areas of Port-au-Prince for over 25 years. Our team consists of 11 Volunteer Corps members, eight of whom are Haitian.

Our work in Haiti seeks to give those living in extreme poverty the ability to access medical care, to educate their children, to meet, and to speak out. Our projects aim to give the families we work with the ability to overcome daily emergencies, and to develop long term projects.

Our projects with small children include Bébés Bienvenus (“Babies Welcome”), gatherings for children under three years of age and their parents, seeking to encourage the nutrition, health, and education of small children. Graines d’Espoir (“Seeds of Hope”), welcomes children from four to six years old to help prepare them for beginning primary school.

Our health projects include a collaboration with a Haitian NGO, Service Œcuménique d’Entraide (SOE), to guarantee access to healthcare for the most vulnerable families through a micro-insurance system.

Our education and training projects include a Street Library run in partnership with LAKOU Don Bosco, focused on boys who live on the streets. A computer workshop works with unemployed young people aged 18 to 30 who don’t have training. Knowledge sharing projects during school vacations bring together young people and artists. A reading group meets with university students to discuss questions relating to extreme poverty.

The Comite de rassemblement Quart Monde meets once a month to discuss questions relating to our team’s work and lives. Larger gatherings take place related to events like the 2010 earthquake or the research on the MDGs.

Ayiti Education
Business Name
Long Business Description

L'Association Ayiti Éducation oeuvre depuis 1998 pour la formation d’instituteurs/trices et pour la scolarisation d’enfants en Haiti.

Ayiti Education assure le fonctionement du centre Jules Verne situé à Pétionville, dans la banlieue de Port-au-Prince, en Haïti.
Ce centre est constitué d’une école de formation d’instituteurs (sur 3 années), d’une école primaire (de la maternelle au CM2) et d’un collège.

Business Website Address
Backin Haiti Inc
Business Name
Long Business Description

Our mission is to support the people and country of Haiti; by BUILDING infrastructure that meet industry standards for safety, Implementing ASSET management/ allocation skills that enable financial independence CULTIVATING best practices for cultural/agricultural excellence. We also seek to ensure KNOWLEDGE acquisition now for future empowerment.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(239) 269-1233
Business Address
P.O.Box 637
Immokalee, Florida
Beautiful Haiti Inc
Business Name
Long Business Description

The main objective of Beautiful Haiti is to help children and young adults in need as well as orphans to fully develop and grow as individuals. Beautiful Haiti’s members are excited to be helping people because they believe that is one of the healthier ways to become successful is to help others to achieve and accomplish their goals and master their knowledge.

Beautiful Haiti was created to change the world by first focusing on Haiti. It is obvious that before 2010, Haiti was and still is one of the poorest countries in the world. On January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake placed Haiti in even worse situation. Haiti needs help to recover as a nation. It is for the reason Beautiful Haiti exists, so we can help many children, orphans, and young adults which will prevent them from juvenile delinquency. We are a tax deductible registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization in the state of New York.

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Bibliothèques sans frontières
Long Business Description

Libraries Without Borders (LWB) works to ensure that regardless of their circumstances, people throughout the world can live with dignity and the opportunity to thrive through access to information, education and culture.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Washington, D.C. Office

1342 Florida Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
Paris Office

8-10 rue de Valmy
93100 Montreuil