Directory Tag: construction

America Continental 2000 / SAHDEV
Long Business Description

The purpose for our corporation is to perform charitable activities within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) and the Chapter 496, F.S. Specifically, the corporation is organized to provide disaster relief and development assistance in the form of engineering and other technical consultings and assistance. Furthermore, helping by providing equipment and materials to carry out assistance, and other organizational and consulting services designed to assist local organizations and governments in preparing for and responding to all kinds of disasters caused by terrorism, environmental contamination oil spills, earthquakes, tsunamis and water droughts.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(954) 708-6653
Business Address
Coral Springs, FL 33076-2250
Build Change
Business Name
Long Business Description

Build Change saves lives in earthquakes and typhoons. Our mission is to greatly reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses caused by housing and school collapses due to earthquakes and typhoons in emerging nations.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+1 303-953-2563
Business Address
535 16th St., Suite 605
Denver, CO 80202 USA
Casas de Madera Habitantes (CAMAHA)
Long Business Description

CAMAHA est une ONG française créée en 2009 qui à pour objectifs majeurs d’œuvrer pour l’habitat social en bois anticyclonique et parasismique après une catastrophe naturelle.Actuellement acteur sur 2 zones, l’une Haïti, où l’association fabrique des abris d’urgence en bois (déjà près de 3000) et autres constructions publiques (Hôpital, orphelinat, école..) mais aussi forme des personnes aux métiers du bois afin que les habitants reconstruisent eux-mêmes leurs logis (Plusieurs ONG partenaires tel que : ACTED, MSF...). Second territoire : Cuba où est née l’initiative après le passage des cyclones Gustav et Ike. L’association participe à la restauration du patrimoine historique des maisons en bois, et a comme objectif d’œuvrer pour l’habitat des personnes âgées qui a été détruit et créer des ateliers de formations aux métiers du bois l’ensemble étant un moteur social : Ecologique, Economique, Durable, Rapide d’exécution, Facile à mettre en place.

Business Address
61400 St Hilaire le chatel
Corporacion Antioquia Presente (CAP)
Long Business Description

Antioquia Presente is a social enterprise specializing in population resettlement and social management. It is an entity recognized as efficient, serious and responsible. A transparent and committed organization that becomes the best channel to make effective social investment with visible results.

Corporación Antioquia Presente is a Non-Governmental Organization, non-profit, based in Medellin, created in 1983 by the private sector associations, the academy and the departmental and municipal governments, to channel the solidarity of Antioquia after the tragedy of 31 March in the Department of Cauca, when an earthquake partially destroyed the city of Popayán and other surrounding towns.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(57) (4) 448 2013
Business Address
Calle 16B Sur # 41-16
Medellín, Colombia - South America
For Haiti with Love, Inc.
Long Business Description

The primary purpose of For Haiti, with Love, Inc. is to make life better for the poorest of the poor - now, and to help them help themselves. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Things have only gotten worse with a major food shortage. There are no jobs and the international community is withholding aid. Haiti's poor need jobs, they need food, education, homes and above all, they need hope. By providing food and free medical care for burns and other emergencies the people are back able to provide for themselves, with funding for cottage business start-ups, we help make that possible. FHL provides funds for basic education of reading, writing, and math through tuitions; cover personal emergencies like funerals, x-rays, special medications to give dignity. Provide clothing and shoes, proper home (when funding permits) all to add self- respect and feeling of independence.

Business Website Address
Business Address
4767 Simcoe St
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
From Here to Haiti
Business Name
Long Business Description

From Here to Haiti (FHTH) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity based in New York. FHTH was formed in the aftermath of the earthquake of 2010 to respond to the need for repair of non-governmental places of public assembly such as schools, churches, orphanages, clinics, and the like. FHTH creates local employment opportunities and promotes self-sufficiency for the people of Haiti through that repair work. FHTH focuses its efforts in the provinces where the need is greatest.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
1446 Utopia Parkway, Whitestone, NY 11357
Functional Literacy Ministry of Haiti
Long Business Description


To provide basic level human services such as education and healthcare.
To provide Preschool through Grade 13 education and health education.
To support volunteers through the maintenance of our residence/guesthouse in Thomassin.
To advance employment and self-sustainability through our Excelsior Technical Institute educational enterprise that trains Haitians to help rebuild their communities.
To assist our clinic and school staff in reducing illnesses, and in promoting the development of forums that provide public health education.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
1064 Premier St., Pgh. PA 15021
Grace 4 Haiti
Business Name
Long Business Description

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20, ESV)

Based on the Word of God, the mission of Grace4Haiti is to find the lost, disciple the found, and care for all.

Business Website Address
Business Address
1815 E 9800 S
Sandy, Utah
H3 Missions, Inc.
Business Name
Long Business Description

H3Missions was founded in April 2010 by a group of compassionate individuals wanting to respond to the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck the island nation of Haiti in January of that year. We conducted our first medical mission with a group of doctors, nurses and other health professionals tending to the thousands of wounded survivors.
After seeing the destruction and the great need for humanitarian services we knew this would become a long term effort. To that effect we worked to incorporate the organization into an IRS recognized 501c3 non-profit.
In addition to our medical and dental missions we have also constructed classrooms at an existing school, dug wells and installed water purification systems, and are working on installing solar power at the clinic which we support. Each mission trip also includes a food distribution hike carrying food to the poorest people in the most remote areas.
We thank you for your interest in us and for your kind support of our efforts!

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(951) 534-4634
Business Address
P.O. Box 53202
Riverside, California
Haiti 180
Business Name
Long Business Description

MWTS Mission Haiti is a ministry of Movin’ With The Spirit, Inc. (MWTS) that seeks to faithfully serve the many needs of the poor and strengthen the villages of Duverger and Dandann, Haiti, by building an orphanage, school and health clinic.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
1160 Inneswood Drive
Gallatin, TN 37066