The Foundation for the Education and the Rebirth of Haiti, Inc. (FERHA) is a 501c3 non-profit, charitable organization which strives to deliver high quality, low-cost education, healthcare and community-based social services to women and families in underdeveloped and underserved rural areas of Haiti. FERHA is primarily managed and operated by Haitians --- who understand the local, cultural, environmental, social and political realities unique to Haiti.
FERHA employs competent, caring, and well-trained individuals who are responsive to the needs of those served, their families, and the community.
FERHA aims to provide the people of Haiti with adequate education and raise their level of consciousness and awareness to lead them to the path of success and better life.
FERHA makes a difference by providing an integrated, holistic, community-based approach where the core focus is education as well as the health and well-being of women, families and children in the communities served.
FERHA also promotes sustainable agriculture in each community serviced, as a means to bring food security and livelihood systems to the community.