In 2003, Wade McGuinn, who owns McGuinn Holdings, a construction management company in Lexington, South Carolina, embarked on a mission trip to Jeremie, Haiti and it was there he discovered his life’s calling. In 2005, while in Jeremie, he was led to the home of a local Haitian, Jean Renal Alexander, who was caring for 8 abandoned children in his home when he was barely able to care for himself. When Wade returned home, he and his wife Janet were compelled to help. As such, Haiti Children Project was founded. Both McGuinns currently serve on Haiti Children Project’s Board, speak to groups throughout the country and lead many discovery trips to Haiti throughout the year for potential donors. The McGuinns believe that Haiti Children Project’s Next Generation Program is their calling in life and they continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Haiti Children Project is fully endowed in time for their impending retirement.
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