Mission Haiti Medical (MHM)

Mission Haiti Medical (MHM)
Long Business Description

In 1998, Mission Haiti Medical (MHM) was formed to organize and promote ministry involvement from the Midwest in the United States to the area of Arcahaie, Haiti. Started by Dr. Mark Fulton and wife Kathy, MHM is now governed by a 10-member board based in central Indiana and 16-member medical advisory committee, from around the U.S., consisting of doctors, nurses, surgeons, pastors, therapists, and business professionals.

Mission Haiti Medical primarily oversees the operation of an outpatient clinic started in 2005, in Saintard, Haiti in cooperation with the Clinic Director, Pastor Jean Marie. Pastor Jean Marie’s congregation, L’Eglise de Dieu Reformee, raised the initial funds to build the clinic after discerning the need for a medical facility in the area. Since, its humble beginnings, over 100,000 unique patients have received healthcare, and each of those Haitians have been prayed with and for during their time at the clinic. The clinic provides healthcare services to Haitians through a medical clinic, dentistry clinic, eye clinic, two operating rooms, pharmacy, lab and a prosthetics unit. MHM employs Haitian staff, doctors and nurses to run the clinic 5 days a week, and is praying to raise funds to turn the facility into a 24-hour, licensed hospital serving more people in the Arcahaie area and beyond. MHM’s ultimate goal is to build up the clinic to be a self-sustaining Haitian hospital approximating U.S. standards of care.

Another component of the ministry is supply shipping. Supplies which are unable to be purchased in Haiti, due to cost or lack of availability, and donations are shipped from the United States to the Saintard clinic approximately every six months in semi-trailers. This ministry arm of MHM offers a tangible way for Americans to help serve Haiti by organizing and packing supplies in Anderson, Indiana, transporting the trailers to Florida, and then shipping the supplies to Haiti. However, MHM purchases supplies in Haiti and hires Haitians, whenever possible, to help sustain and support their economy and the people who live there.

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