Service is a nice concept but we often use the word without any true allegiance to what the Lord expects of his servants. The following are ideas that fit quite nicely with our theology of Christian Community Development, this special time of year when we celebrate the offering of Christ as the Servant who would save the world.
1. A servant does not have a message of his own. He is the mouthpiece of His Master. Just as an ambassador is expected to promote the views of his country and government, so also the servant of God is His representative on earth and His message is Reconciliation as Paul puts it, ‘you are ambassadors of reconciliation. Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection solidified that message.
2. A servant does not have a country of his own. He is only a pilgrim in a foreign land until His Master calls him home or to another destination. As a servant of God, where He calls us is where we need to be. Relocation is the mind of Christ that we should have during our pilgrimage here on earth. He left the splendor of heaven for the lowest possible state of human existence. None of us could ever match such a sacrifice.
3. A servant does not have any possessions of his own. He is only the manager of His Master’s resources. This could be the best of both worlds if we start on the right footing. It is always such fun to spend someone else’s money.
This is the opportunity to return unto the Lord what is rightfully his (The earth is the Lord’s and all who live in it) and at the same time be able to spend it for the aggrandizement of his kingdom here on earth. This is the very essence of Redistribution