More often than not, the island of Haiti engenders negative connotations and images resulting from its: devastating poverty, political unrest, and violence. Truthfully, Haiti is an island full of dichotomies. While it’s true that the majority of Haitian people live in undeniably devastating conditions, Haiti’s colorful language, pulsating music, as well as its vibrant and rich culture also characterize the island. It is undoubtedly Haiti’s kind, spirited people and their unrelenting drive to persevere despite all things, which inspired us to form "Inspire Haiti.”
Inspire Haiti was founded by eight individuals exclusively for the charitable, medical and educational purposes of providing relief to the poor. Inspire Haiti’s objective is to improve the living conditions for the majority of Haitians: one person at a time, one community at a time. We aim to do this by building a comprehensive community-based organization focused on empowering the people of Haiti through quality health care, nutrition, education and social reform.