Consider Haiti was started over 15 years ago with primary care clinics, medicines, vitamins and water filters. We followed up with sustainable nutrition. In 2010 this follow-up came in the form of 17 does and a buck. Now, we have 750 goats across several villages! We've established a better seeds program for our gardens as well as a system for storing crops to sell when market prices are best. Someday we hope to be totally self-sufficient: growing, selling and eating only local Haitian produce, drinking clean water and building strong communities. But. we still need help for seeds and goats, water filters, medicine, and stipends for our Haitian Community Health Agents.
Our longstanding programs are able to get to the people who need help quickly and efficiently, and we know how to address immediate needs. Consider Haiti work with locals so we are familiar with the people and the area. We can show you where every dollar of your donation is spent.