For generations, outside governments and thousands of organizations have tired and failed to heal this nation. There is urgency because what happens with this generation is critical.
Through Haiti Teen Challenge Haitians are working to repair the mistakes of the past, confronting the fatherlessness in Haiti, and creating servant leaders that rely on Christ to renew their families, communities and nation. Our local leadership, U.S. partners, and our Haiti Teen Challenge staff have formed a strong team that leans hard into decision to bring restoration THROUGH Haitians.
As Executive Director I am blessed to be in the front seat experiencing God at work. My call is to mentor and spur growth in young women and men through transformation in their relationship with God, restoration in their valued purpose, commitment to service to others and integrity in stewardship. My leadership continues to be God centered and understands my total dependence on him.
I assure you that strong governance, accountability good stewardship, collective prayer and hard work are a part of our DNA while we remain diligent in pursuit of our mission and vision.
Dr. Julio Volcy
Executive Director
Haiti Teen Challenge