Alliance Nationale des Directeurs de Programme Sida des Etats et Territoires/National Alliance of State and Territorial Aids Directors (NASTAD)

Alliance Nationale des Directeurs de Programme Sida des Etats et Territoires/National Alliance of State and Territorial Aids Directors (NASTAD)
Long Business Description

NASTAD Haiti has been working with Haiti's Ministry of Health (MoH) since 2003. Much of NASTAD Haiti’s work has focused on evaluating, planning, expanding, and supporting comprehensive HIV case-based surveillance, including the development of a national case-based HIV surveillance system, enhanced perinatal surveillance to support care for mothers living with HIV and their exposed infants, and integrated case surveillance for HIV and TB. Case reports are submitted via a web-based platform, built via existing IT infrastructure, which receives case reports in a low-barrier way from most known publicly funded HIV testing, treatment, and care sites in Haiti. At the close of 2014, over 230,000 case reports had been received from four electronic inputs, representing approximately 90% of annual HIV diagnoses. NASTAD Haiti works with the Ministry of Health and other in country partners to create reports and data presentations at both the national and regional levels.

To further support comprehensive HIV surveillance, NASTAD Haiti, and the MoH co-facilitate a National HIV Surveillance Working Group to guide the planning and timing of surveillance activities, as well as the use of generated surveillance data.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Delmas 60 Rue Mercier Laham # 26, Port-au-Prince, Haiti WI