Since 1959, as a Christian child welfare organization, we have been supporting children in need around the world and campaigning for their rights. Our goal is achieved if she and her families can lead a life of dignity and good future prospects - without poverty, misery and violence. Almost two million girls and boys are currently supporting, protecting and involving Kindernothilfe in 31 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. How we do that you will learn here.
The organization Kindernothilfe was founded in 1959 to enable a better life for poor children in India. In the meantime, we are one of the largest non-governmental organizations for development cooperation in Germany. Our work is supported by around 313,100 donors, 1,000 volunteers, the Kindernothilfe Foundation and sister organizations in Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Since 1992, we have received the DZI donation seal annually for the responsible handling of donations . In 2016, in the transparency test of Phineo AG, commissioned by Spiegel Online, we were awarded first place in terms of vision and strategy, activities and impact.